Maxton's last day of preschool was Thursday. On his last day, the school has an olympic day and picnic and each kid can bring one parent. I was thrilled when Max picked me over Ben to rare that the boys pick me over Ben. Here are a few pictures of us at Olympic Day.

Max with his teacher this year, Miss Kelly. He has really enjoyed her class this year!

That same night, was his Preschool Graduation. Ben thinks it's silly that there should be any graduations besides for High School and College, but I thinks it's great to celebrate these milestones in their little lives. It was such a special night, and he looked so grown up. I didn't cry, I think because he is so ready and excited to move on...I'm happy for him. He was able to walk in the Flag as you can see here.

Here's Miss Carroll giving Max his certificate.

What a doll you are Max. I love you! You've grown so much. All that stands between me being a mom of little ones that stay home and a mom that has school age kids is three short months. I pray we enjoy every minute before that bus shows up.